All applicants must read and agree to the following Terms and Conditions. 


The Signature Art Prize opens for entries at 11am on 9th August 2024 with the final deadline for submissions being 11:59pm on 9th March 2025. These dates are subject to change.


The prize is open internationally, to current art students, or artists who graduated no earlier than 2021 from a recognised art institution.


Entrants will be required to submit one piece of artwork in their 'Signature' style. The artwork image must be submitted in accordance with the following specifications: 

  • File Type: JPEG, PNG or GIF.

  • At least four images including one of the artwork in situ.

File size should be at least 1MB when saved as a jpg. Files must not exceed 2MB each. You must provide an image of the front, back, side and details of the artwork and an image of the artwork in situ with a recognisable item ie a bottle, mug, person etc - this is for internal use only to understand the scale of the piece.

Entrants may only enter in one category; Painting, Sculpture, Photography & Film, or Drawing & Printmaking. Artists who entered in previous years may enter again, but no work previously submitted is eligible for resubmission.

The artwork submitted MUST be available for sale throughout your involvement in the Signature Art Prize.


All entrants will be entered into the People's Choice Award for the group they are eligible for. The People's Choice will be run through the @DegreeArt Instagram account.

Any artist suspected of manipulating the voting system will be immediately disqualified from running. This includes buying likes and offering incentives in return for votes.


Artists should be aware that all works are judged on an equal and anonymous basis and that there is no segregation judging by region or country. The decision of the judges is final and no correspondence can be entered into. 


Artellite and The Signature Art Prize reserve the right to disqualify any entry if the artist has not adhered to the rules, even if the work has been selected for exhibition.


​Artists who are selected as finalists for inclusion in the Gala Exhibition will be notified via email. The finalist artists must arrange for the work to be delivered to the specified Gala Exhibition venue on the date provided. Full exhibition and delivery terms and conditions will be provided in advance via email and must be adhered to for inclusion in the Gala Exhibition.

Entrants are reminded that this work will be exhibited publicly at the awards ceremony and as such, work should be of an appropriate standard, size and content. This work must be available for display at The Signature Art Prize Gala night and must arrive in a fit state to be displayed, with all appropriate fixings and attachments needed for display included. Failure to do so may result in the piece being excluded from the exhibition. Works selected for exhibition may not be removed before the end of the Gala.

All artwork must be signed, without exception.

All finalist artwork selected and exhibited at the Gala Exhibition must be available for sale at the Gala Exhibition and remain so for at least 3 months following the exhibition, unless you join us as a represented artist in which case the artists contract will apply. 


​The Signature Art Prize aims to gain maximum exposure for artists and their work, as well as facilitate the sale of entries. As such, artists must determine pricing and edition numbers for all artwork submitted (taking into consideration Artellite’s 50% + VAT commission rate which will be charged upon sale). The Signature Art Prize reserves the right to apply up to a 15% discount to an artwork if it is determined that it will close the sale with a collector. Any discount will be shared between Artellite and the artist us and you, to the price of a piece of work if this is deemed appropriate and necessary during a sale to a client, or offered in marketing collateral as part of a client incentive.

Please note that any pieces you submit for The Signature Art Prize competition must be for sale.


Following the exhibition, all artwork that remains unsold must be collected within 7 working days. Full collection/redelivery terms and conditions will be provided via email and must be adhered to. It is the artist’s responsibility to deliver works to the venue of the Central London Gala when the venue is announced should you be a finalist in this year’s The Signature Art Prize. Artellite reserves the right to dispose of, destroy or donate to charity any work not collected after one month of the latest date for collection of works.


The copyright of all artwork exhibited in The Signature Art Prize will remain the property of the artist, but it is a condition of entry that the Artellite shall have the right of free reproduction of all exhibited work for postcards, prints, posters and other products, publicity, educational, reference and all broadcast and digital purposes in connection with The Signature Art Prize, exhibition and future Signature Art Prizes. The processes of the competition may be filmed, and entering the competition constitutes agreement for your portrait to be included in such filming, whether broadcast or not.


By entering work into the prize, artists agree to be contacted at any point during the competition process by Artellite. Please ensure you provide us with the correct email addresses and telephone numbers to contact you on and notify us if these change. In accordance with the Data Protection Act, 1998, Artellite will hold the personal data supplied on this form securely. It will only be used in the process of administering The Signature Art Prize, and will not be transferred to any third party.


The instructions and information detailed here form part of the rules for entry into the Signature Art Prize. For further information please contact:

The Signature Art Prize, Artellite
Somerset House, New Wing
Strand, London, WC2R 1LA
United Kingdom

(+44) 020 3701 7411


The Signature Art Prize is administered by Artellite Ltd. the UK leader in contemporary, affordable art created by the finest emerging artists. Our online gallery allows you to buy original art and to invest in the artists of the future.