What resolution should my images be?

Ideally, all images should be a maximum file size of 2MB. Only the following file formats are acceptable: JPEGs or PNGs. Each image file must be named with your surname, first name and brief title e.g. SmithJohn_Title.jpeg. Whilst work titles may be too long to be used as image names, a section of your title would be adequate.

I cannot upload my images, what should I do?

Check that each of your image files is 2MB or less and that they are the accepted file types (either JPG or PNG.) If you still encounter problems, please contact us via email.

What are the judges looking for?

Our aim is to find artists that​ show significant potential, interesting ideas, a relevant message and skilful execution.

All entries are evaluated with a diverse pre-determined criteria as opposed to the specific tastes of the individual judges.

How do I enter?

To enter The Signature Art Prize, follow the like on the 'Apply Here' button on the top of the page!

When is the exhibition?

On the 5th June 2025. Once the judging has taken place, the successful artists will be advised of the exact time and location of the exhibition, along with delivery and collection dates.

Will my artwork be returned to me?

We aim to notify all artists whose work has been sold as soon as possible, and all artists should have provisions in place to collect their work should it not sell at the exhibition. You will be notified of delivery and collection dates when you are sent your agreement form for the exhibition. Please note that neither The Signature Art Prize where the artworks are shown can store your artwork for you, and anything left uncollected at the end of the exhibition may be subject to a storage charge.

Is my artwork covered by your insurance?

No, you must arrange your own insurance to cover both transportation to and from the exhibition and also while in the exhibition.

Entries must be completed by the artist within the last five years by the entrants themselves and must be their own original work. Artists using exact references from another professional artist or photographer without copyright permission risk having their work disqualified. For further information please see the Terms & Conditions of entry on our website or contact us by email or by telephone at +44 (0)20 3710 7412.

Can I send an application by email or post?

All applications must be done via the web form.

Can I submit a piece after the deadline?

No late entries or submissions can be accepted unless The Signature Art Prize organisers have made an announcement stating otherwise.

Does my work need to be available for sale?

Any artwork you submit for The Signature Art Prize competition must be for sale.

How do I contact The Signature Art Prize office?

Please see contact details here.