Announcing Our Signature Art Prize 2019/20 Shortlist
We are delighted to announce the Shortlisted Artists for the 2019 edition of the Signature Art Prize.
With a record number of entries battling it out in the categories of Painting, Photography and Film, Drawing and Printmaking and Sculpture, our esteemed panel of judges now have the task of selecting 5 artists from each category that will be part of our Finalist Gala in February 2020.
Molly Brocklehurst | Wimbledon College of Arts
Jaehyung Um | Chelsea College of Arts
Bynne Woo | Chelsea College of Arts
Jessica Slack | University of Northumbria
Liqing Tan | Slade
Valeria Duca | University of St. Andrews
Sarah Bailey | University of Leeds
M. Valcarcel-Saez | Goldsmiths College of Art
Malgorzata Dawidek | Slade
Jeremy Knowles | Camberwell
Flavia Tritto | UAL
Nigel Goldsmith | Bath Spa
Amir Behbahani | University of West London
Lara Domeneghetti & Silvia De Giorgi | City and Guilds
Beverley Duckworth | Open College of the Arts
Anni Laukka | Novia University of applied sciences, Finland
Emma Jane Brassington | Wimbledon
Raquel Barbero | CEV
Buse Tanil Jeffery | Yeditepe University, Istanbul Turkey
Zahra Priddle | University of Brighton
Carol Rosalind Smith | University of Kent
Cristin McKenzie Gibson | Rhode Island School of Design
Raen Barnsley | City and Guilds
Aphra Lupita Zulka O'Connor | Royal College of Art
David Gray | University of Edinburugh
Jinya Zhao | Royal College of Art
Glynis Lamond | UAL
Jake Francis | University of Brighton
Ji One Choi | Slade
Habib Hajallie | Loughborough University
Caroline Areskogjones | Royal College of Art
Geraldine van Heemstra | City & Guilds of London Art School
Holly Drewett | Royal College of Art
Latifah Al-Said Stranack | Slade
Wai Wong | Middlesex University
Abigail Mills | Suffolk University
Hira Gedikoglu | University of Oxford
Kathryn Poole | University of Central Lancashire